ToppageSouth mainlandAround Nahafor touristsNorth mainlandNear mainlandMiyako isls.Yaeyama isls.
FareHow to take busBus stop mapShipsQuery form
Fare of the bus & monorail
Fare system of busFare system of monorailMonthly pass of busCoupon ticket of busTicket office in Naha bus terminalDiscount ticket - MainlandDiscount ticket - oher islands
Fare system of bus
AreaOperatorNo.Fare system
Ryukyu bus Kotsu, Okinawa bus, Toyo bus, Naha bus Inside the Naha city
except for 10, 18
Toyo bus : uniformly 240 yen. Other buses : uniformly 260 yen.
10100 yen or 260 yen.
18 and more than 20
(except 95, 105)
proportional to the distance
105uniformly 190 yen.
Limousine busproportional to the distance
Yanbaru express busproportional to the distance
Junior high school students are also primary schoo student's fare.
Okinawa airport shuttleproportional to the distance
Karry Kanko busproportional to the distance
Tokyo busproportional to the distance
Uruma city bus100 yen or 200 yen.
Yomitan village community busuniformly 200yen. Primary school & junior high school students, more than 65 years-old and people with disabilities are 100 yen.
Kitanakagusuku village community busuniformly 200yen.
Nakagusuku village community busuniformly 200yen. Junior high school students, more than 65 years-old and
people with disabilities are 100 yen, primary school students is 50 yen.
Chatan town on-demand busuniformly 300yen. Primary school students, more than 65 years-old and
people with disabilities are 100 yen,
Higashi village community busfree
Kunigami village community bus, on-demand busproportional to the distance
Okinawa city community busuniformly 200 yen. Primary school, junior high school and high school students, aged over 65 years-old and people with disabilities are 100 yen.
Nanjo city community busuniformly 300 yen. primary school student is 150 yen.
Nanjo city on-demand busuniformly 500 yen. 75yeas-old habitans in Nanjo city is 200 yen.
Ie islandIejima Kanko bus150 yen or 250 yen. Primary school students : 80 or 130 yen.
Tokashiki islandTokashiki Kanko busuniformly 400 yen. Primary school students : 200 yen.
Zamami islandZamami village officeuniformly 300 yen. Primary school students : 150 yen.
Iheya islandIheya village officeuniformly 100 yen for more than primary school students.
Kume islandKumejima town officeproportional to the distance
Aguni islandAguni village officeAnny (bus)uniformly 100 yen. Primary school students and more than 75 years-old : 50 yen.
Ricarica (omnibus taxi)uniformly 200 yen. Primary school students and more than 75 years-old : 100 yen.
Miyako islandMiyako Kyoei busproportional to the distance
Yachiyo busproportional to the distance
Chuo Kotsuproportional to the distance
Kyowa busproportional to the distance
Tarama islandTarama village officeuniformly 400 yen. Primary school students : 200 yen.
Ishigaki islandAzuma un-yuexcept #13proportional to the distance
#13uniformly 250 yen. Primary school students : 130 yen.
Karry Kanko busuniformly 500 yen. Primary school students : 250 yen.
Taketomi islandTaketomijima Kotsuuniformly 300 yen. Primary school students : 150 yen.
Iriomote islandIriomotejima Kotsuproportional to the distance
Yonaguni islandYonaguni town officefree
Yoron islandMinami Rikuununiformly 200 yen. Primary school students : 100 yen.
*Half fare for Primary school students (6 years old - 11 years old).
*For disabled passengers, fare will be discouted 50%. Caregiver too, but it depends on the degree of handicap.
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Fare system of monorail
FareCommuter passStudent pass
1 month3 months6 months1 month3 months6 months
*Fare in parentheses are for Primary school students.
*For disabled passengers, fare will be discouted 50%.
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Monthly pass of bus
CompanyTypeDiscount rate
Naha bus
Toyo bus
Ryukyu bus Kotsu
Okinawa bus(except for No.127)
1 monthCommuter30% off than normal ticket
30% off than pass above
Student40% (Naha bus and Ryukyu bus Kotsu : 50%) off than normal ticket
30% off than pass above
Primary school students50% off than student pass
3 monthsAll type of pass are 5% off than 1 month.
Okinawa bus No.12730% off from fares above.
Yanbaru express bus1 monthCommuter15 times of the two-way fee
Student10 times of the two-way fee
3 monthsCommuter40 times of the two-way fee
Student25 times of the two-way fee
6 monthsCommuter70 times of the two-way fee
Student40 times of the two-way fee
Disabled commuter, Primary school students ... 50% off than "Commuter".
Disabled student ... 50% off than "Student".
One-way monthly pass ... 50% off than the passes above.
Yomitan village
community bus
1 month pass : 5,000 yen for adult, 2,500 yen for child.
*If you bought the pass at Ryukyu bus Kotsu (for example), your pass is fundamentally not available at another bus company.
*If you bought the monthly pass at Naha bus, for the internal section of Naha city, that pass is available for all route in the Naha city.
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Coupon ticket of bus
From April 2015, IC card system "OKICA" starts. Instead, coupon ticket is stopped at Ryukyu bus Kotsu, Okinawa bus, Toyo bus and Naha bus.
unityCommuterStudentPrimary school students
Yanbaru express bus1015% off than normal ticket50% off than left ticket25% off than normal ticket50% off than left ticket50% off than commuter ticket50% off than left ticket
5020% off than normal ticket30% off than normal ticket
Yomitan village community bus112,000---1,000-
Okinawa city community bus112,000-1,000-500-
Nakagusuku village community bus123,000-----
Nanjo city community bus
(resident only)
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Ticket office in Naha bus terminal (next to the Asahibashi Sta.)
CompanyBusiness hourPhone
Ryukyu bus Kotsu10:00 - 18:3010:00 - 16:00--098-863-2821
Okinawa bus11:00 - 19:0010:00 - 17:00-098-861-0385
Toyo bus10:00 - 18:30--098-867-2313
Naha bus8:00 - 20:0010:00 - 17:00098-867-6083
Naha bus Airport Office9:00 - 18:00098-840-1613
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Discount ticket - Mainland
CompanyTicketAdult fareOutline
Monorail 24h
1000 yen1 daypassWith pass : -you can take the monorail 24 hours or 48h. -You can get some privilege at touristic point.
48h pass1800 yen
1 day pass800 yenAvailable only as an electronic ticket.
Off-peak pass600 yenUnlimited rides available only between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. Available only as an electronic ticket.
Ganju 1 day
300 yenResident of Naha city and Urasoe city who are more than 70 years old, can buy this discounted 1 day pass on Sat, Sun & Holidays.
Otonari ticket200 yenThe fare to next station (1 section) is 200 yen, if you get on the monorail with OKICA card.
Naha bus1 day
780 yen1 day passYou can take the Naha bus lines as you like (in Naha City only) all day.
pass 65
6500 yenPeople, who are more than 65 years old, can buy the monthly pass (available in Naha city only) at discounted price.
Naha bus
Bus -
1000 yenYou can take the Naha bus lines & monorail as you like (in Naha City only) all day.
Naha bus,
Ryukyu bus Kotsu,
Okinawa bus,
Toyo bus
Okinawa passbus 1 day
2900 yen,
+ monorail 1 day
3500 yen,
bus 3 days
5800 yen,
+ monorail 1 day
6400 yen
OKINAWA PassOKINAWA PassYou can take all bus lines and monorail operated by companies on the left box (except for 111, 117) between 1 day - 3 days. Restdents of outside Okinawa Pref. can buy this ticket.for more detail, please see this page.
Naha bus,
Ryukyu bus Kotsu,
Okinawa bus
Round trip ticket for #1173200 yen
3500 yen
There is round trip ticket at the section above (about 40% discounted). Please buy the ticket in advance at bus company's office. :
Naha airport or Naha bus terminal - Motobu port or Kinen Koen-mae (Okinawa Churaumi aquarium) or Orion hotel Motobu resort & spa
Validity is 1 week.
Naha bus,
bus Kotsu
1 day
2340 yenWeekend 1 day passAt Sat, Sun & Hol, you can take all bus lines operated by Naha bus & Ryukyu bus Kotsu except No.111, 117. About bus No.20, 28, 29, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 78, 89, 120, 228, you can also take the bus which are operated by Okinawa bus.
Ryukyu bus
Okinawa bus,
Toyo bus,
Naha bus
-At Sun & Hol, primary school students (less than 12 years old & maximum 3 persons) who take the bus with adult passenger, can take freely the numbered bus (except 111, 117). In that case, adult passenger should pay his own fare in cash or by OKICA card.
Nanjo city community bus1 day
700 yen for adult
500 yen for 12-18 years
350 yen for 6-12 years
1 day passYou can take Nanjo city community bus "N bus" as you like.
Yanbaru express busMotobu, Nakijin 1day - 5days ticket1000-3000 yenMotobu, Nakijin 1day-5days ticketYou can take all buses of Yanbaru express bus in Motobu town and Nakijin village as you like.
Yomitan village community bus1 day
400 yen1 day passYou can take Yomitan village community bus "Otori bus" as you like.
*Half fare for Primary school students (6 years old - 11 years old).
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Discount ticket - other islands
Island &
TicketAdult fareOutline
Ishigaki island
Azuma Un-yu
1 day pass1000 yenYou can take all buses in Ishigaki island while 24 hrs.
2000 yenMichikusa passYou can take all buses in Ishigaki island 5 days.
15000 yen for 3 months
20000 yen for 6 months
Passengers who are more than 55 years old, can take all lines at discounted price.
Silver pass7500 yen for 3 months
10000 yen for 6 months
Passengers who are more than 65 years old, can take all lines at discounted price. Please inquire to the Ishigaki city hall.
Airport round trip ticket1000 yenround trip ticket between bus terminal - Ishigaki airport.
Ishigaki island
Karry Kanko bus
Airport round trip ticket900 yenround trip ticket between Rito terminal - Ishigaki airport.
Taketomi Island-
Taketomijima Kotsu
1 day ride ticket1200 yenIncludes a 300 yen island entry tax. You can purchase it on Jorudan Mobile Ticket.
Iriomote island
Iriomotejima Kotsu
1 day pass1500 yenYou can take the bus for 1 day as you like. You can get some privilege at touristic point.
Yoron island
Minami Rikuun
2 days pass500 yenYou can take the bus for 2 days as you like.
*Half fare for primary school students (6 years old - 11 years old).
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